About the Classroom

Welcome Students of Mr. Carrell's Class!

Here on this site, you will find everything you need to know about being a student in my class. If you or your parent needs help understanding rules, standards, or expectations, everything will be found right on this site. 

Listed Subjects

This is a list of subjects that I teach. You may be in one or multiple of these classes:

  • World Civilization
  • World Geography
  • United States History
  • United States Government

All Classes Include

  • Regular class work.
  • A test at the end of each chapter, usually around every two-three weeks
  • Some kind of group project or presentation near the end of each 18 weeks. This will be the "Final" of the class. 
  • If possible, a field trip will be planned once or twice a year.

Expectations and Standards

First and foremost, all of my students, parents of students, and I should all practice respect towards one another. If mutual respect can be established, all other expectations and standards should fall into place. In my classroom we are always open to debate, opinion, and ideas. I ask that when these events happen, that the students respect and acknowlege classroom discussions between eachother and I. 

Class work

  • There will be work assigned in class most days.
  • The students will have a designated time during each class to do the given work. If they do not finish, it is homework and due the next day
  • Turned in day after assigned=full credit
  • Turned in two days after assigned=3/4 credit
  • Turned in three or more days after assigned=half credit
  • All work may be accepted up until the end of a quater semester. It will not be accepted after this time.


  • Test dates will be announced at least a week in advance.
  • These tests will cover the previous chapter that we would have gone over.
  • If a student is to be absent on test day, please notify me before hand. They will be able to take the test another time.
  • I want to make sure every student is given the opportunity to take every test.


  • Details for projects will be discussed for each individual project. These details will usually be found in my google classroom. (see link section)


The specifics of each individual class can be found in My Google Classroom. There will will find important dates, assigned classwork, and other announcements. 

For more details of our school, visit our website at the School Website.

All Set?

All that's left is your imagination and your plans! When you're ready, you can delete everything on this page and get started with your own content.

Remember, the changes you make here won't go live to the world until you click the Publish button above, and you can always save changes to your draft by clicking the Save button.